W. Bro. Maurice ‘Mo’ Bone sadly passed to the Grand Lodge Above on 13th March 2019 after a long illness. His passing was marked with a solemn and moving ‘Lodge of Sorrow’ which the Lodge traditionally works in memory of those of departed merit.

‘Mo’ as he was affectionately known to everyone, was a champion of charity and the guiding force in Priory Gate’s continuing support for the White Lodge Centre at Chertsey which provides services that enable those with a range of disabilities, their families and carers to lead fulfilling lives.
Mo’s widow Maureen wanted to make a presentation to the Lodge in his memory. Lengthy discussion ensued.
As he had been such an important figure in the Lodge, we wanted something tangible that would keep his memory alive and not just get lost amongst the Lodge furniture. A new Tyler’s Sword was suggested.
A cavalry dress sword was duly acquired by W.Bro Werner Stroud and sent for engraving under the care of our Lodge jeweller Bro. Matt Bradbrook with the words; Presented to Priory Gate Lodge No. 8202 in memory of W.Bro. Maurice ‘Mo’ Bone – 17/09/1937 – 13/03/2019 to be added to the blade.
Best laid plans for the sword to be formally received, on behalf of the Lodge, by our then APGM W.Bro. Steven Jarvis were brought to a shuddering halt by the COVID suspension.
So, on Saturday January 15th 2022, a full two years after the planned date, the presentation meeting was opened by Worshipful Master W.Bro Steve Pepper with a formal welcome to W.Bro. Dom Palmer PProvGSwdB OV on his Official Visit, also attending was Honorary Member W.Bro. John Lake PSGD APGM and guest W.Bro. Steve Jarvis PSGD PAPGM.
There followed a superb Raising for Bro. Marcus O’Shea, who as our recently invested Lodge Membership Officer has been on very successful recruiting drive.
Ceremony and Reports completed, the Lodge formally Closed and with the Brethren on their feet – the Temple door was opened and Maureen and guests were warmly welcomed with loud applause. Maureen was supported by Mo’s grandson Oliver and the wives of Brethren who were close friends of Maureen and Mo.
Lodge DC, W.Bro Steve Bone, Mo’s son handed the sword to Maureen with W.Bro Steve Jarvis then receiving it on behalf of the Lodge with a kind and moving eulogy for Mo.
The sword was now placed over the closed bible, the W.M double gavelled to summon the Tyler, W.Bro Nick Tyrrell to the Lodge.
Having received the sword from the WM, the Tyler solemnly returned to the point of address in front of the SW pedestal and saluted the WM with a military sword salute before retiring from the Lodge with the new sword at the carry.
Formalities completed, the Lodge members and their guests gathered in the Temple to examine the new sword before making their way downstairs for a well deserved and highly enjoyable White Table.
Finally, before a hugely memorable evening closed, the Lodge Light Blues, marshalled by W.Bro Werner Stroud presented each of the Ladies with a bouquet of flowers to mark the occasion.
Postscript: Mo’s sword now forms part of a new rubric for the Lodge.
At the Opening of every Lodge meeting, the Tyler is now called into the Lodge with the sword at the carry to answer the WM’s question as to the Tyler’s place in the Lodge.
He then gives a formal sword salute before resuming his post. In this way, the Lodge fulfils its wish to have a permanent memorial to our departed Brother.
Article: Nick Tyrrell. Pictures: colin Pizey