Empty Chair Ceremony – November 2022

On Saturday 19th November, The Brethren of Priory Gate Lodge and their honoured guests assembled under the leadership of Worshipful Master W.Bro. Mark Malone to perform The Empty Chair Degree 1875 (sometimes called the Vacant Chair Degree).

The ceremony is performed by a number of Lodges around Remembrance Day to pay homage to those Brother Masons who fell during both World Wars and other conflicts. This ceremony was adapted for Priory Gate Lodge by W.Bro. Lt.Col (Retd) Brian Penfold BEM to include the remembrance of members of the Lodge who have been taken to the Grand Lodge Above.

The ceremony began after the Lodge was opened in due form with two Entered Apprentices, Bros Jamie Bridge and Rost Dzyadyk retiring with the Deacons to collect the Empty Chair which had been draped in black and with a plain officer’s collar in place.

The Temple was placed in darkness, save for the pedestal candles and a solitary light in the North.

The Tyler entered with ceremonial sword at the carry and with the Deacons, escorted the Empty Chair carried by the EA’s in a slow order perambulation around the Temple coming to a halt in front of the WM’s pedestal.

The Deacons and Entered Apprentices gave a court bow and returned to their places in order. The Tyler stepped forward and saluted the WM with a formal sword salute and returned to his post.

There followed the roll call of Brethren of the Lodge including those members that had passed to the Grand Lodge Above.

W.Bro. Lt.Col  (Retd) Werner Stroud BEM, having served the country in uniform, was then escorted by the Deacons to place a Master Mason’s apron onto the Empty Chair as an emblem of innocence and the badge of a Mason.

The Lodge Chaplain, W.Bro. Eric Trodd, then approached the Empty Chair to lay a spring of evergreen as an emblem of eternity, following which he recited the 23rd Psalm – The Lord is my Shepherd.

There followed an explanation of the origins of the Poppy emblem, its adoption by the British Legion and a recitation of In Flanders Field by W.Bro Lt Col John McCrae.

The WM then placed a poppy wreath on the Empty Chair and stood facing East as the Last Post was played.

The Kohima Epitaph. When You Go Home, Tell Them Of Us And Say, For Your Tomorrow, We Gave Our Today was then read and a two minute silence observed which concluded with Reveille.

Finally the WM recited “They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning. We will remember them”, the Brethren repeating the last line.

The ceremony completed, the Empty Chair was placed in the North by the Deacons.

There followed a Second Degree Ceremony for Bro. James Millest after which the Brethren retired to enjoy a generous festive board in the best of company.

Below are some images of the afternoon.

Photos by Jayce Peacock, Article by Nick Tyrrell