During 2006, W.Bro ‘Mo’ Bone PPDepGReg and his son (then) Bro. Steve Bone visited the White Lodge Centre close to St Peter’s Hospital in Chertsey. Due to its fantastic work with children and adults with various disabilities, it was chosen as the local Surrey charity that Priory Gate Lodge No. 8202 would support over the coming years and W.Bro. Mo is seen here making the first donation to the While Lodge Centre.

Mo Bone

W.Bro. Mo Bone presenting the first cheque to the White Lodge Centre in 2007

Sadly W.Bro Mo passed to the Grand Lodge Above in March 2019,  following which Lodge Almoner W.Bro. Colin Paice proposed that the White Lodge Centre should once again have the support of  Priory Gate.

At his wake a ‘Just Giving’ page was set up and along with a £500 donation from Priory Gate Lodge,  W.Bro. Steve, Mo’s wife Maureen and W.Bro Colin were then able to present a cheque for £1100 to Jane Cartwright – Community Fundraiser at the White Lodge Centre in memory of W.Bro. Mo Bone.



L-R: W.Bro. Colin Paice, Jane Cartwright, Maureen Bone, W.Bro. Steve Bone