Following the relaxation of the MW Grand Master’s suspension of Masonic activity in July 2020, Priory Gate Lodge held its first meeting on 10th October under the ‘Rule of 6’ restrictions and using the guidance and rules laid down in the Temporary Emergency Measures for Covid-19 as published by UGLE.
WM W.Bro. Brian Penfold conducted the meeting with Wardens: W.Bro. Stephen Pepper (JW) and Bro. Mark Malone (SW), supported by Treasurer: W.Bro. Werner Stroud, Secretary: W.Bro. Nick Tyrrell and Acting Inner Guard: Bro. Marcus O’Shea.
The Lodge was opened in the First Degree only for the first time in the Lodge’s history. Our founders laid down the instruction that the Lodge should be opened and closed in all Three Degrees for every meeting. However, as this meeting was held under the COVID restrictions, opening was limited to the First Degree. Once opened, the Minutes were approved and the Lodge was then Called Off to allow a Zoom meeting to opened, allowing Brethren unable to attend because of the restrictions to join the meeting.
The Secretary then opened the Zoom meeting. The WM welcomed the Brethren attending via Zoom, especially W.Bro. Tony Downes who made an unexpected and very welcome ‘visit’ live from Penang. W.Bro Downes then gave a brief summary of the current situation in Malaysia and shared photographs of recent meetings he had attended in the District. The WM then congratulated him on his recently announced promotion to District Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies.
W.Bro. Tony was joined by W.Bro. Alan Smith, Ian Bloodworth and newly made Brother Bro. Matt Bradbrook.
The business of the Lodge then continued until the Zoom meeting was closed with thanks from the WM for those who attended.
The Lodge was duly Called On and then Closed in the First Degree with the Brethren departing in harmony.