On Saturday 9th March Priory Gate Lodge 8202 was honoured to receive a visit from W.Bro Steve Jarvis PSGD, APGM, escorted by W.Bro Neil Milner ProvADC, PProvGStwd.

W Bro S Jarvis & W Bro Stroud

Following an Initiation, the 3rd this year for the Lodge, our Brother Treasurer W.Bro. Werner Stroud was able to present, on behalf of the Lodge, cheques totalling £8000.00.

This amazing sum took the Lodge over its Silver Award target.

Luckily for the Lodge, W.Bro Steve Jarvis ‘just happened’ to have a Sliver Award in his pocket and so was able to present it to W.Bro. Werner who was representing the Lodge Charity Steward for this meeting.